I was listening to a Podcast after I was diagnosed that was about ways to support yourself while going through breast cancer. There was an interview with a very famous Dr. then the next one was with Leslie Nance. I liked her right away and research her. My initial talk with her was on July 3rd and I booked an appointment with her for July 6th. I have loved every minute of it. After 5 weeks I don't crave foods I ate every day - sugar and drive-throughs. When I think of eating a food that is not healthy for me I think of some words I heard from Leslie on a periscope show, she said - "If you are not going to do the recomened treatments, what are you going to do differently? Because your body created cancer." Wow that changed my whole outlook how I eat, now I have leanred to be the Boss of my cancer and my body! Thank you, Leslie for all your support and encuragment