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Cancer Lesson No. 10 – Practice!!!

This is it…number 10 lessons of cancer! It’s very rare to get everything right the first time. It’s why practice is important. Practice makes you better at everything…even healing! The women that work with me ...
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Cancer Lesson No. 9 – In the Blink of an Eye

You have cancer…” Words that no doubt changed your life forever!  But what I really want you to learn from this “blink of an eye” moment is that yes, it will change everything…AND change can ...
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Lesson No.8 – Live with No Regrets

Looking back at your life and pondering the “What if” is holding you back from healing! what if I had taken better care of myself what if I had gone to the doctor sooner what ...
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Video Resources

Be a

Learn the 5 Steps My Clients Take To:

Recover Faster Between Treatments,
Regain Their Strength After Surgery
 and Become Healthier Well into Remission…
 (Without All The Crazy Diets and Detoxes!)

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